Proven Anti Aging Tips
Researchers at the University of Toronto reviewed 69 studies and discovered that exercise may be the best anti-aging tool.
The results show that adults who performed about an hour of moderate activity most days of the week, even into their 80's and 90's, kept their hearts and lungs as healthy as those of less active people up to 12 years younger. Also, their chance of needing assisted living decreased to that of a person a decade younger. Next time you are having a hard time getting through your cardio session, keep telling yourself you are making an attempt at slowing your body's aging process by up to 12 years. Keep sweating people.
And dont forget to drink a lot to replace your sweat,with frequent drinking 8 glasses of water per day can also prevent premature aging and wrinkles in our face. Besides for avoid anti aging, drink enaough water is also very good for the health of the body, because the body will get rid of toxins in the body naturally (detoxification process).
so that the skin will feel noticeably in the humid conditions. even the water is also very useful for preventing acne on the face. So drink eight glasses of water a day to keep skin moist, firm and look younger, lets start healthy habits from now on